Think big, Set big goals:
whenever you will think of the highest and the biggest mountain in the world I believe you will think of Mount Everest, K2, Kangchenjunga, and Lhotse. The bird flies above the cloud, high in the skies, of course, that’s an Eagle, and the tallest building in the world we all can think of Burj Khalifa,
All these high, tall, big things inspired humankind
Similarly, your big goals do inspire people around you. Your goals could be anything like being a good athlete, being a great painter, being the top salesperson, being an incredible public speaker, being a top student in the university/ college, being the best pilot, being a great actor, being a super fashion model, book writer, achieving big numbers for the company. and many more… do talk About it…
Talk affirmative / Use Positive Statements :
It’s very simple, imagine you are trekking and want to climb a huge mountain and these few negative states like ” It is very hard to climb this mountain, it’s so narrow while climbing we may fall and die, instead be confident and talk these positive states like its huge, big mountain but we will enjoy climbing it, it’s going to be great fun, it will be a great achievement, we are on our way to set the new record, now that’s what inspires people around you.
I will have my business all over India, I am going to be a great Novelist, I will be a great teacher, and our institute will be the top institute in India, We will win this match. Yes talking positively inspires people around you
Well-prepared, Structuring, and Organizing
for a wedding what are the requirements? Decorator, caterer, dresser, beautician, wedding hall, jewellery and more. Once we list our requirements then we look for resources to get those. Similarly to achieve your goals pen down all your requirements and find out the resources to get them.
Encounter the risk factor
You may face a shortage of cash, and food, so we need to prepare for all those challenges
Similarly, think of the obstacles you may face and be ready for it with solutions
Organize your action plans and structure your goal if you don’t structure, then it’s called a Mess.
They see that you are well organized and well prepared for everything, yes they get inspired and you gain the confidence of all
Action plan
Knowledge is power, this statement is partially correct. it’s a power only when it implements it. Similarly, petrol is power, but if it is just lying in the petrol tank with no use, it’s useful and becomes power only when we drive the car.
Similarly, big goals sound great, but it won’t be exciting for long if we don’t get into action and execution.
They see you are not only a big talker but a doer also, and they do get inspired
Work hard, put your more than 100%, and surrender yourself to your goal
Mother is dedicated to her baby, your goals are like your baby
Bodybuilders put effort into building their body muscles, your goals are the muscles of your life put effort into building them.
To build their boss’s building/ tower on the construction sites you must have seen laborers put in their efforts, they do lots of hard work even when the sun is beating them, it’s your goal to put your best in it. You can do a lot more than you even think
Yes, they see your dedication to achieving your goal, your hard work, efforts they get inspired
Involve your team in your goal, and do share your goals with others
Understand it’s your goal but also do understand that alone you can’t take it for long. Big goals are always achieved with the team. Now if you say ‘ I‘, ‘Me’, or ‘Mine’ these letters and words will make people away from you and from your goal. Involve them, share your ideas with them, ask for a suggestion, and ask them to share their idea. Appreciate them, and give them credit for the work they are supposed to get it for.
Atmosphere, environment
‘When a flower doesn’t bloom you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.’- Alexander Den Hijer. An amazing line works for all categories house environment, school, college, office, friends.
Create an environment that manufactures success. Yes that inspires people around you
New Inventions/ Generate New Ideas
The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones. And very soon people get bored with it
To keep it alive your dream, purpose, goal, and Product it’s very important to come up with new ideas, and innovations. And if you do that Yes definitely you inspire them
Great results
when a process is correct, the product is guaranteed. Similarly, when you follow all the above processes to achieve your goal, results are guaranteed.
The happiness of achievement, the glamour of it, pride of achievement, money flow
And, Yes they get inspired